I have had a beautiful week in Cornwall, connecting with the land & receiving codes, activations, dreams & messages from the dragons, some of which I will be sharing at the International Dragon Thunder Summit this Sunday July 2nd & some will be revealed during the Intuitive Dragon Medicine 8 week program coming very soon!

You may recognise this beautiful coastline which was used on the filming of one of my favourite series ‘Poldark’ & ‘one I surprisingly haven’t watched yet; ‘The House of Dragons’

My first stop was Tintagel Castle & Merlin's Cave. I took my two trusty dragon heads to soak up the codes, left a thank you of a white stone quartz that I found in the Isle of Man for healing to the dragons in the cave in exchange for messages that I will be sharing at the Dragon Thunder Summit & some that I have been asked to share to those who join my Intuitive Dragon Medicine Program!

The cave was beautiful with a rainbow light at the caves exit. All the elements were there especially the wind, where you could feel/sense the dragons taking flight.

Next stop was a the beautiful sacred St Nectan's Glen. The cold waters were very purifying & healing here & I was given a beautiful piece of information about this pool which I will reveal to those who join the Intuitive Dragon Medicine Program. Just look at the large face in the rock by the waterfall!

I took a quick stop at St Michael's Mount, Cornwall where the dragon lines are strong & stretch right through Glastonbury Tor, Avebury, Mont St Michel in France (which I visited last August) and beyond.

Another quick stop at Lands End, the furthest point. It had to be done!

Lunch at Sennen Cove where a little of the local cider Rattler was tasted. It would be rude not to! I confess we didn't have a bad meal during our whole week. Beautiful local produce & fresh seafood.

Final stop, the Lizard Point for a few days! Can you spot the dragon? They were everywhere on the coast!

The Lizard in Cornwall has Serpentine Rock all around its coastline. When polished the colour is green/grey or red & is also known as the Dragon Stone!
I found a little artist studio with a handmade necklace which I am wearing in the picture. It reminds me of a dragon eye & a portal to other worlds.
Serpentine crystal can be worn as a protective amulet, aids new pathways to form through the kundalini energy, opening the crown & allowing psychic gifts to flow. It is a very grounding stone & opens the heart. Gateways to the elemental & angelic realms can also be opened with a serpentine crystal.
I also found a serpentine egg as it reminded me of a dragons egg. Eggs represent new beginnings, rebirth, growth & can be used to scan the auric field detecting & rebalancing the emotional & physical blocks in the body.
I am really looking forward to working with this crystal in my 8 week Intuitive Dragon Medicine offering:
Dragon Portal Intro - Nature & Elemental Ritual to invoke the dragons
Dragon Portal 1- Root Powerhouse Activation
Dragon Portal 2 - Sacral Powerhouse Activation
Dragon Portal 3 - Solar Plexus Powerhouse Activation
Dragon Portal 4 - 4 Chambers of the heart & higher heart Clearing, Activation, Alignment & Transmission from the dragons & Portals of Glastonbury, Shaftesbury (both Gaia’s heart Chakras) Avebury, Stonehenge & Tintagel.
Dragon Portal 5 - Throat Powerhouse Activation
Dragon Portal 6 - Third Eye Powerhouse Activation
Dragon Portal 7 - Crown Powerhouse Activation
Dragon Portal 8 - Shamanic Ceremony - Earth Star Powerhouse & Soul Star Powerhouse Alignment channelled from Lanzarote & the Isle of Man. This powerful activation deeply grounds & connects you to Gaia consciousness, the connection of all & aligns all your powerhouses. Your connection to your higher self guidance will be stronger & access to your akashic records for yourself will be easier & your access to the stellar gateway will be opened to receive galactic information through the Cygnus Constellation.
Dragon Portal workbooks included.
The dragon clan I work with have asked me to call the chakras powerhouses as they are where the chi energy meet & can be stored. When these powerhouses are cleared, cleansed & reactivated with dragon power, you will feel more empowered yourself to lead a heart led life & take action on your passions that you wish to manifest. Instead of leaking energy through power plays with others, thoughts & unconscious patterns that keep you stuck, you become more aware as your perception grows, meaning over time, you are able to let go of more of these, bringing you more freedom to be more authentically you with greater confidence.
As the energy leaks are closed, you store more of your own chi as personal dragon power aligning you direct to an abundance of source energy. As you connect to source with ease & grace, trusting & surrendering more to your life’s purpose, your natural intuitive & psychic gifts & talents will open more where you become the alchemist of your own life with a sprinkle of everyday magic!
If you’d like to know more then please sign up to my waitlist page to register your interest here:
And if you want to join the International Dragon Thunder Summit & have free lifetime access the recordings of 30 speakers please register here:
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