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The Springs of Avalon

The cool waters of the Springs of Avalon were inviting me to visit. 

As I was creating the Shamanic Dragon Priestess course, I was feeling into the Dragon Heart and the dragon codes that would come through in a meditation. I had already been called to Shaftesbury & Glastonbury previously in my dreams to bring through new dragons. Both Glastonbury & Shaftesbury are twinned as the heart chakra of the world, so it made sense the call would be here. I had also been shown to go to Stonehenge, Avebury & Tara, so I knew that this dragon activation was going to be big as we were to enter 4 chambers of the heart.

I often find the veil is thinner during my dreams and information usually comes in to guide me to visit new places, along with a gruff dragon voice that usually gives me the name of a place. I now take heed and just go to the place to meditate or just to place my feet on the land trusting that I will get what I need. So when the call to go back to Glastonbury because a piece of information was still missing before I could channel the dragon heart activation, I dutifully left for the lands of Avalon, specifically this time to visit the White Spring, although water was definitely the overall theme of my calling.

My first stop in Glastonbury was the Goddess Temple where the priestess's of Avalon train and a few crystal shops. Here in the courtyard was a dragon statue holding his pearl of wisdom.

I continued my walk up through the high-street towards the Red and White springs. On my way, I found a small courtyard which had a shop selling Aquan. The lovely lady in the shop explained to me about structured living water that we know holds memory and how they combine water from two ancient springs in Glastonbury and Cornwall with the sacred ingredients of gold, frankincense and myrrh. There is more to the creation of Aquan which is based on the research of Viktor Schauberger. The water holds the 528Hz frequencies of love, 369Hz to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness and the 256Hz frequency of the Root chakra to encourage stability, inner peace and connection to Gaia. Overall helping to create feelings of being grounded, connected and loved as the water is absorbed into the cells of the body. I left happy, knowing that today I was definitely working with the water element today.

I continued my pilgramidge up the hill towards the springs noticing signs and sychronicities along the way. The first was this beautiful water heart I noticed on the pavement, confiming I was here for the connection of water to the heart. 

The second was that it began to rain, so I was to get very wet as I carried on my ascention up the hill. The third was noticing slugs, which often come out in the rain to replenish their bodies of moisture. Slugs find it easier to move once hydrated and leave behind their trail of slime. I realised I often feel a little dehydrated and my joints can ache as a consequence. Thank you slug for reminding me to hydrate myself. One spiritual meaning of a slug by the way is strength and higher vision. A Slug also embodies both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.

I then passed these paintings on the front of a house, again showing the balance between the masculine and feminine, confirmation of what I'd seen in the slugs. The feminine painting had the moon, sacred waters in flow and I see references to swan priestess' Within the Arthurian Legends there is the faerie woman known as the Lady of the Lake. She is keeper of Excalibur, and the protectress of Avalon. In some tales Lady of the Lake is the title given to the head of the nine sisters who practice magic on the Isle of Avalon. Morgan Le Fae was also first known as a water fairy too in the earlier stories with links to mermaids and Lemuria. She is also sometimes known as the Lady of Avalon depending on where you read. I love following the different threads that the water takes me!

The paintings shown below is called 'HIEROS GAMOS'

and the meaning is:

Greek for Sacred Union or Holy Marriage

Hieros Gamos is a concept arising in many ancient cultures.

It expresses the union of opposites and is represented here as the divine masculine and divine feminine essences emerging from the natural world; the sun and the moon; fire and water.

The sunset with the new moon in the western skies captures a moment between worlds where the opposites can meet.

This is the union of the goddess and the god and was enacted in rituals historically across the globe to ensure fertility, abundance and successful harvest.

Philosophically this is also the fusion of the conscious and subconscious levels of the psyche.

The harmonisation of the two leads to alchemical growth and spiritual transformation, represented by the butterfly which emerges into a new plane of understanding...

that opposites are illusory and that All is One


Explanation, Images conceived and created by Jon Minshull

Finally I arrived at the Red Spring which runs through the chalice well gardens. I didn't go in as I've been previously and the energies sadly feel a little off there at the moment. The reddish hue of the water is caused by iron oxide deposits.

I continued around the corner towards the White spring where both the Red and White springs run. Here the St Micheals Ley line runs. It's possible to collect water to recieve the many benefits of the spring waters. I took a sip in my hands from the Red Spring...

 ...then from the White Spring thanking the Goddess for her healing waters that are released from her womb and feeling deep gratitude for the wisdom that the waters hold. I also felt very connected to the Goddess herself and as if I was about to be taken on a powerful initiation.  The White Spring is called so because of the white calcite properties that it has. Both the Red and the White spring flow from caverns at the base of the Tor.


Outside the gate of the White Spring, my eye was drawn to this Celtic Labyrinth Spiral. This sacred symbol seen around the world represents the unfolding spiral journey of life. The labyrinth takes us on an inward journey as we spiral towards the centre and become one with spirit where deeper insight can be received. Sometimes the symbol is also seen as the womb of the Goddess.

On entry to the Victorian built Well House that now honours the White Spring as a Temple, created in gratitude for the gift of pure water, I felt as though I was entering my own Labyrinth into the womb of the Goddess herself. I could hear her calling me through the roar of the flowing waters. No photography is allowed in this sacred place, so I cannot share pictures, but as you walk into the darkness of the cavern and down the steps, your eyes slowly adjust to the candlelight. When I arrived, it was the quiet hour, which was perfect to relax and meditate in the stillness. The dragons always remind me that it is in the stillness the wisdom will be revealed. 

At the Temple, Brigid is honoured as a guardian. The Lady of Avalon and the King of the Realm of Faery, are known to show their ancient presence in this sacred space. There are different spaces that you can sit in. I chose a bench looking directly at the large dark pool. The waters were calling me in and some people do submerge themselves into the waters for a complete rebirth ritual, I however was drawn into the waters through my minds eye. As I was submerged into the waters, I was taken through a tunnel or portal until I was floating in the womb of the Goddess at the point of creation. Here, I was told to look for the 'dark spring' and received the message 'not to forget the Womb-Heart' as this completes the codes I am looking for. Before I came back through the portal, I noticed a Black Guardian Dragon keeping the door to the portal closed. I thanked the dragon who stepped aside and I was back in the sacred Pool of the White Spring. I opened my eyes in awe of a new rabbit hole to go down as I had never heard of another Spring in Glastonbury!

I left the White Spring and took a photo of the waters flowing over cups. I was reminded to replenish our waters, to fill our cups from the plentiful supply of energy from the Goddess and to give this energy out through our hearts from the overflow. A beatuful reminder.

I decided to walk the final steps up to the Tor as I was so close. The rain was refreshing and the wind was so strong, but I felt a sense of rebirth. Along the way were wild flowers and two black crows, a reminder to look for the dark spring. Crows are spiritual guides and often mean transformation, change and intuition.

The Tor itself is placed on a mount that is in fact a Labryinth too. Seven layers, like the seven main chakras in the body. As I continued upward, I listened for any messages. 

There were many thistles, symbolising devotion, bravery, determination, and strength in celtic culture. The Somerset view from the 'Isle of Avalon' meaning 'Island of Apples' was still stunning  as the rain lifted.

At the top St Michael's Mount loomed above me...

and the doorway to the otherworld led me past the nesting pigeons.

I started the descent down the mount with a view to finding the Dark Spring. I found out that there is indeed a Black Well at the Abbey where the St Micheals Ley Line and St Mary Ley Line cross! There are also beautiful beech trees here too.

This Well is called St Josephs Well in the Lady Chapel and there doesn't seem to be too much information about it, so my investigation will continue. 

At the Abbey is this painting of 3 saintly women, or they could equally be Brigid and 6 dragons! The right picture is likely Brigid and the left Mary Magdelene. The centre picture is seen as Mary Magdalene with the 7 deadly sins and yet it may be possible it is the Goddess birthing the powerful serpent energy onto the land. With this picture and the 3 springs/wells, I was reminded of the Pagen Symbol, The Maiden, The Mother and The Crone energies.

I left Glastonbury with my heart full and the dragon codes complete for now. When I got home I recorded an activation of the 4 chambers of the heart with the red dragons of Mary Magdalene, a blue Pleides dragon, Goddess Quan Yin's dragon and Lady Nada all with different frequency codes to open our hearts with compassion, mercy and unconditional love

If you would like to experience this activation which is one of 13, with the dragons then you may like to join the waitlist for the Shamanic Dragon Priestess Initiation.

Click here to sign up to the waitlist page for the Shamanic Dragon Priestess Initiation

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