Welcome Soul Wisdom Seekers, Keepers, Spirit Weavers, Energy Healers, Starseeds and Lightworkers who are ready to confidently discover, enhance and expand your natural intuitive gifts and talents, through a year long experiential journey of self-discovery, self-empowerment, self-mastery and self-actualisation.

If this is you, then the Soul Seeker Mystery School can support you in a safe, non-judgmental healing container, where your soul wisdom can evolve and expand through a spiral path of unfolding as you embody the codes of Shamanic Dragon Priestess.



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Become a Shamanic Dragon Priestess Initiate Today!



This unique year long journey shifts energetically and in harmony with the changing cyclical seasons.


Studies show that reconnecting mindfully with nature brings moments of calm and relief in this current fast paced society that we live in. Most people will say they do not have time to work on themselves, which is the reason for choosing a year long journey of self discovery in tune with natures cycles, to help slow us down, reduce the worries and anxiety of everyday thoughts, by releasing the additional pressure  that a short intensive course can sometimes bring, as we often struggle to keep up.


This initiation as a shamanic dragon priestess opens weekly with small bitesize teachings, activations and meditations. For those who wish to go deeper and have more time to explore, there are additional activities to complete.


Life time access to this initiation is also given, so that you can repeat the journey each year and deepen your self-mastery as another level of unfolding is activated.


Connecting with nature is also one incredibly fast way to amplify your intuitive and psychic senses!

Do you feel the call to walk your own path of feminine power which is as unique as you?

'Heal Thyself', 'Know Thyself'

otherwise interpreted as 

'Fearlessly Seeking You'

Life is a continuous adventure into the darkness of the unknown, yet we are often afraid of change. According to Harvard Business Review, we make between 33,000 to 35,000 decisions everyday, many of these unconsciously and many that we think we are making consciously are in fact based on previous experiences, which have shaped our beliefs and thought patterns. When we become aware of our thoughts and our beliefs, where they came from and how they might even be limiting us from our full potential, we can instead become curious observers and active participants of our own lives, thus becoming the creators of our own stories and inviting in infinite abundance.


We can begin to 'heal thyself', which is the first step and intiation that a priestess will take. A priestess actively connects to her innate wisdom, confidently leading with her intuition as she is in continuous flow with her expansive feminine energies within. A priestess does not look outside of herself for answers, instead she is connected to the divine through the natural world, stars and moon as she is deeply aware that everything outside of her is reflective of her inner world. To know the natural world is to 'Know Thyself' and the second initiation for a priestess.


When we feel lost, or at a crossroads in life, uncertain which direction to take, it is often because we have lost connection with the natural world around us and the cyclical element that we are a part of, which in turn creates a disconnection to ourselves and our souls path and purpose.


Through shamanism we can explore our inner world during journeying and activities creating a deeper connection with nature and deepen our knowledge of ourselves. When we work with energy, it is sometimes difficult to understand the alchemy that takes place, working with nature creates something tangible to explain the shifts taking place within.


The dragon is part of the elemental kingdom and like us, is multi-dimensional and able to accompany us to the upper world where 'love and light' of the angelic and galactic realms reside, but dragons can also accompany us through the chaos and dark shadows of the lower realms, where often, deep healing takes place. The dragon also resides within us and when activated through initiations of empowerment, the dragon raises the primeaval feminine aspects of the Goddess, which mixes with the masculine qualities within us in perfect balance.


This allows us to make intuitive heart centred decisions and feel empowered to take soul-aligned action to create a life of purpose and prosperity.

Become a Dragon Priestess Initiate Today!
Spiral 1


Meet 13 dragons of the land, sea and sky, to ignite your inner dragon flame. Receive the dragon medicine to clear, cleanse and expand your energetic powerhouses, creating a clearer, open channel within you so that you can receive your natural intuitive gifts with ease:

  • One Opening Ceremony to  receive your dragon egg
  • 13 Lessons about the dragons and how to work with them
  • 13 Dragon  transmissions and meditations, channelled by Nicola from the hidden dragon in the Cygnus Star Constellation. Accompanying workbooks and affirmations included
  • 13 Crystal Grid layouts to amplify healing and increase your Lemurian and Atlantis dragon connection
  • Build and maintain your internal and external dragon power with supporting Feng Shui and Qigong Dragon Exercises
  • East meets West for the Chinese New Year of the Wood Dragon. Learn about the mythology and history of the dragon. Explore the similarities between the Celtic Western and Chinese Eastern Dragons
  • Connect with the Earth Grid through the dragon lines and dragon stories in your local area
  • Create an alter to invite the dragons to energetically work with you
  • Learn different energy maps of the body,  energetic hygiene practices, cord cutting, Akashic record reading and clearing, and to support your journey
  • BONUS 1: Opptional Dragon Reiki Attunement with Lineage
  • Embody your Dragon, Lemurian and Atlantis Priestess Codes





Bring in a little magic and work with the  Alchemist 'Merlin' who has mastery over the dragon through homeostasis of the sacred elements, air, fire, water and earth within.

Within this spiral we learn the simple tools needed to journey safely in the shamanic realms and how to balance duality such as light and dark into our reality.

Through initiations of empowerment that are observed through connection with the dragons, Merlin opens the portal of our hearts into the world of the elemental kingdom. Here, to balance the duality of the divine feminine and masculine energies, the High Priestess of Avalon, 'Morgan Le Fae' steps forward to deepen our connection with the Goddess:

  • 4 Ceremonies at the turn of the Seasons: Spring- sacred element Air, Summer- sacred element Fire, Autumn- Sacred element Water and Winter-sacred element Earth 
  • Meet your entire supporting spirit team in the shamanic realms and receive your soul name
  • Take 13 channelled shamanic journeys to the elemental kingdom for each of the celtic trees where you will meet the fae and open to the wisdom of the trees
  • Bring through your soul name as you meet your supporting spirit team.
  • Learn how to understand the meaning of simple synchronicities such as power, spirit and totem animals
  • Connect to the wisdom and primeval part of you, as you are guided by 13 Celtic spirit animal guides
  • Learn how to journey safely in the shamanic realms, how to choose your drum and birth the spirit of the drum to add more profound medicine
  • Learn how to connect to nature through the plant consciousness and create powerful essences to support your alchemy
  • Create your own medicine bag to give you strength, wisdom, magic, prosperity and assist you in your everyday life
  • Embody your Avalon, Celtic, Elemental and Plant Priestess Codes


In this spiral, we deepen our connection with the Earth Mother, the Goddess and her Oversoul Sophia as we bring balance to the divine feminine codes within and step into our sovereignty.

  •  13 feminine archetypes to embody and balance with accompanying self love rituals and workbooks
  • 13 Shamanic journeys to meet the many faces of the Goddess who supports the weekly feminine archetype we are woking with
  • Embody your Goddess and Rose Priestess Codes


Amplify your manifestation and abundance codes, as you come into mastery with your natural intuitive and psychic gifts. As a Shamanic Dragon Priestess you have awakened & embodied the ancient lost wisdom and now awaken to your new earth codes to step into a level of service.

  • Learn the importance of holding a safe space in circle
  • Learn how set the atmosphere and the importance of setting intentions
  • Learn how to create a simple ceremony with tools such as herbs, flowers, crystals, essences and tarot/oracle cards 
  • Work with the heart opening spirit of the Cacao plant to create a Cacao Ceremony
  • Creating ceremonies with the Wheel of The Year and the Moon
  • Learn how to be a channel for spirit with your different clairsenses, includes spirit art, aura reading, journaling and channelling your higher self through the voice
  • 1 Closing Ceremony
  • Potential option to become an IPHM accredited  Shamanic Practitioner
  • BONUS: 13 New Moon Rituals to create abundance in each area of your life as we bring in Moonology and Astrology to work with the governing houses and planets of the month 
  • Embody your Ceremonial, Tarot, Moon and High Priestess Codes


Become a Shamanic Dragon Priestess Initiate Today!

Hi, I'M Nicola!

A 2x Bestselling Co-Author of 'She Is...Unleashing Divine Feminine Power' & 'Goddess', a Shamanic Dragon Priestess, Dragon Channeller and a Soul Wisdom Activator, activating the remembrance of your souls blueprint.


My Soul name given to me in the shamanic realms by my Wolf Clan; is 'Elini Sahara' which translates to 'Shining Light in the Wilderness'. That is indeed my mission.  To be a beacon of light to empathic women who feel lost, at a crossroads and disconnected from theirself, others around them and nature, often looking to the stars with a longing and wonder. Those heart-centred women who love to help others and wish to be guided by their intuition, but don't trust what they receive, question if it is their imagination or fear what they may be connecting to. They know they are here for more. They are seeking something, following the signs and synchronicities which may have led you here, and in particular if you are seeing dragons in your dreams, meditations, or in nature and are curious to know more!


I love to weave the stories of the divine feminine through the unfolding spiral path of the mystery schools, to learn the sacred arts of skills such as energy healing, developing psychic abilities, dream interpretation, herbalism, moon, womb and dragon wisdom, nature communication, ritual and ceremony facilitation, meditation, astrology, the art of anointing, essential oil making, the tarot and spiritual study to name but a few. The use of divinity tools and crystals are important to my practice for clearing spaces, energy and amplifying a ritual during a ceremony. My drum is another of my sacred tools for journeying, leading meditation and clearing energy.


This is the spiral path of a Shamanic Dragon Priestess which is a remembrance of our unique soulful wisdom, This includes the awakening and expansion of our natural creative gifts, talents and intuition.

I created the Soulful Wisdom Academy as a sacred feminine sanctuary for women who wish to have their own direct connection with the divine. A haven, where experiential learning, self discovery, personal growth and self-empowerment can blossom in a safe space of mutual respect and understanding. Where fear, shame, guilt and judgement is transmuted into confidence, grace reciprocity, courage and love.


The ethos of the Soulful Wisdom Academy is to offer the highest level of service  to woman who are ready to be initiated as a Shamanic Dragon Priestess. To encourage a lineage of confident intuitive women who can easily bridge the gap of ancient divine feminine knowledge into wisdom that can create purpose , meaning fullfillment and prosperity in modern day life, with just a little sprinkle of fun and magic.


If this sounds like you, you will feel it in your bones and you will have sensed the calling from your soul. If this is you, then you are in the right place to start your spiral journey of unfolding and I look forward to taking this journey of authenticity together and welcoming you into the Academy soon.


Here's what others have to share about their experiences in the Shamanic Dragon Priestess Temple...



This experiential journey will empower you to elevate your intuition so that you can confidently take soul-inspired action for a life of heart-felt abundance.




  • Access to 4 spiral codes unlocked quarterly (Dragon, Alchemist, Empress and Priestess Codes)
  • 5 Live Ceremonies and access to pre-recorded ceremonies
  • Supporting workbooks, rituals, affirmations, crystal grid templates, meditations and transmissions
  • Supportive online community
  • Lifetime access to course and materials
  • Bonus 1: Dragon Reiki Attunement with lineage (Dragon Codes only)
  • Bonus 2: High Frequency 7th Diemnsional Lightbody Healings to support your alchemy (Group)
  • Bonus 3: Embody your Moon Priestess Codes and learn how to manifest with the new moon and release energies with the full moon
  • Potential Option to become an accredited IPHM Shamanic Practitioner (Additional Costs may be required)




  • Access to 4 spiral codes unlocked quarterly (Dragon, Alchemist, Empress and Priestess Codes)
  • 5 Live Ceremonies and access to pre-recorded ceremonies
  • Supporting workbooks, rituals, affirmations, crystal grid templates, meditations and transmissions
  • Supportive online community
  • Lifetime access to course and materials
  • Bonus 1: Dragon Reiki Attunement with lineage (Dragon Codes only)
  • Bonus 2: High Frequency 7 th Dimensional Lightbody Healings to support your alchemy (Group)
  • Bonus 3: Embody your Moon Priestess Codes and learn how to manifest with the new moon and release energies with the full moon
  • Potential Option to become an IPHM accredited Shamanic Practitioner (Additional costs may be required)
  • Pay in Full Bonus Only: Four Quarterly 1:1 Sessions with Nicola




  • 1 spiral Dragon code unlocked weekly for 13 weeks, plus access to 2 preparatory weeks
  • 1 Live Ceremony and access to pre-recorded opening ceremony
  •  High Frequency 7th Dimensional Lightbody Healings to support your alchemy (Group)
  • Supporting workbooks, rituals, affirmations,  crystal grid templates, energy tools, meditations and transmissions
  • Supportive online community
  • Lifetime access to course and materials
  • Bonus 1: Dragon Reiki Attunement with lineage 
  • Bonus 2: High Frequency 7th Dimensional Lightbody Healings (Group)
  • Bonus 3: Embody your Moon Priestess Codes and learn how to manifest with the new moon and release energies with the full moon




  • 1 spiral Dragon code unlocked weekly for 13 weeks, plus access to 2 preparatory weeks
  • 1 Live Ceremony and access to pre-recorded opening ceremony
  • High Frequency 7th Dimensional Lightbody Healings to support your alchemy (Group)
  • Supporting workbooks, rituals, affirmations,  crystal grid templates, energy tools, meditations and transmissions
  • Supportive online community
  • Lifetime access to course and materials
  • Bonus 1: Dragon Reiki Attunement with lineage 
  • Bonus 2: High Frequency 7th Dimensional Lightbody Healings (Group)
  • Bonus 3: Embody your Moon Priestess Codes and learn how to manifest with the new moon and release energies with the full moon